There's So Much More Than TV Times...

Yes, it's ITV's 60th Birthday - and to celebrate, we're actually going to be nice about them for once!

No, really - to mark this momentous milestone in the broadcasting history of the makers of TV's Hey, It's My Birthday Too!, it's time to take a look through the archives (though not the TVS archive, thanks to the machinations of That Bastard Mouse) and highlight a couple of past posts about all things ITV. Including...

A detailed - and opinionated - look back at some of ITV's lunchtime children's shows...

The sorry tale of ITV's attempt at remaking a hit American sitcom for UK audiences...

A gallery of peculiar images used to promote whatever might have been coming up 'after the break'...

The weird and Matthew Kelly-heavy world of Children's ITV continuity....

A salute to ITV's not-much-missed me-too Ceefax copyist Oracle...


...and an in-depth look at the sitcom they're still too chicken to show, Hardwicke House!

And that's not all! If you're so inclined, you can get venerated old-skool ITV sci-fi shows Sapphire & Steel and Children Of The Stones on DVD with books about the shows by me included, and find some hefty features on the more neglected corners of ITV's archives (including the likes of The Secret Service, The Tyrant King and, erm, Bognor) in my books Well At Least It's Free and Not On Your Telly.

And now, here's a couple of my favourite clippings from TV Times...